
I wish I could break up with you
It’s been fifteen years –
more than half my life
And I can’t say I’m a fan

Once a month you come
Sometimes twice
Sometimes not at all

But always –
always, you never fail
To bring me pain
Each time


3:33 PM. Maria called me with possible sad news. She promises to let me know after verifying it.

5:09 PM. It’s been more than an hour since I’ve heard of the brief details. It still doesn’t feel real.

Shit, was all I could mentally say. It’s the only thing that’s come to mind after receiving that text.


I don’t know what to feel. I’m pretty much still in shock.

I want to pray, but I don’t even know what to pray for.



Once, I wrote your name on the bathroom wall
Swearing I would love you until it fades
Time made its promise
Washing away, little by little
The three letters in bold
Until one day, there was no trace
Neither you nor your name
No longer on the wall
Nor in my heart any more

Read a comic recently with a similar plot line which made me remember. An unrequited love which happened so long ago that I had forgotten about it. Truly, only time can tell.


When was it that I last wrote
of sunny skies and rainbows?
Tis true, the river flows
until it’s dried, no single drop
Mind wanders, where does it go?
Who knows but those which follow
And only darkness really knows
of nothingness and healing woes


More shade than light
Wind as fresh as can be
The pseudo-tunnel formed by canopy
Followed by the view of the wide ocean
Sun shining up high
Sparkling blue waters calling you in
Once again I fall in love
The lack of sleep forgotten
And long drives treasured
Lasting until we do it
All over again